Fashion Trends

Mix and Match: How to combine jewelry

Oxette - Mix and Much

Oxette - Mix and Much

Every day, we spend time choosing the right outfit. We do our hair and put on makeup to bring out our best selves. But even with all that, we might still need a boost to complete our look. A simple trick is to use jewelry – lots of jewelry! Mix and Match jewelry is a popular trend and a simple way to look truly stunning.

So, how does one go about mixing and matching their jewelry?

See 5 tips:

  1. Choose a centerpiece

An important lesson in Mix and Match jewelry is to find a centerpiece and start from there. A centerpiece is usually the eye-catcher, the piece of jewelry that stands out the most. It can be a chunky necklace, a big ring or a shiny watch. For example, a large gold watch can be worn with thin bracelets and rings that have a similar or complementary tone.

  1. Build with layers

Layer your jewelry based on size and thickness. Necklaces can be layered by wearing long along with shorter. On the other hand, bracelets can be layered by wearing thin bracelets alongside thick ones. Make sure it doesn't look too much!

  1. ¨Pile up¨

One of the latest styles when it comes to rings is 'stacking'. The best thing about this trend is that there are no rules. It doesn't matter how many rings you wear. It sounds very simple and amazing, right?

  1. Add color

Mix and Match jewelry can sometimes become dull and boring, especially if you wear pieces of the same color. Break up the monotony by bringing in pieces that have color. Never be afraid to pair a colorful piece in a sea of ​​gold or silver necklaces. It will enhance and make your pieces look exciting.

  1. Differentiate yourself

You would probably think of wearing the same kind of jewelry. So, if you chose a gold bracelet as your center piece, the rest should also be in gold. But, nowadays unconventionality makes the difference. Mix jewelry from different metals and stones. This makes the look more unique and modern.

Mix and Match your jewelry may seem difficult at first but play with it. The only thing to remember is not to overdo it. The combinations can be endless and take your next look to the next level.

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