Collection, Fashion Trends

How to Combine Tennis Bracelets

Tennis Blog Bracelets - Oxette

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How to Combine Tennis Bracelets

One of the biggest trends in recent seasons is once again tennis bracelets or eternity bracelets or rivieras.

A brief historical review.

Now widely known as tennis bracelets, they got their name from a tennis player, the world-famous Chris Evert, who in a match in 1987, while playing, dropped her diamond eternity bracelet, when she asked the referee to stop the match to find

As a result, it caught the attention of those in attendance watching the match.
Since then these bracelets are called tennis and they are the most stylish thing you can combine and they remain as the trendiest style there is.

How to combine them?

Dare to combine many together, in different colors but also with thin bungles for a more special fashion glam style.
If you want to be elegant and have a more refined touch, wear only 1, as thin and subtle as possible, combining it with studded earrings and a matching thin necklace around the neck.

The combination of such a bracelet with a casual watch is suitable to be worn from the office to a chic afternoon coffee with friends.

If you still want to combine it with a watch with chains, dare to wear it double as the trend commands our hand to look very rich but also to listen to the bling.

It's a great gift and suits all styles, tastes and preferences.

It's so light you'll forget you're wearing it unlike other chunkier bracelets.

It is an essential accessory for every style of woman.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”124018″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=”×27-00433-oxette-%ce%b2%cf%81%ce%b1%cf%87%ce%b9%cf %8c%ce%bb%ce%b9-oxettissimo-tennis/”][vc_empty_space][vc_btn title=”Oxettissimo Tennis Collection” shape=”round” color=”black” align=”center” css_animation=”fadeIn” button_block =”true” link=”|||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ ][vc_single_image image=”118703″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=”×05-00536/”][vc_empty_space][ vc_btn title=”Link Watch Collection” shape=”round” color=”black” align=”center” css_animation=”fadeIn” button_block=”true” link=” 2Fel%2Fproduct-tag%2Fnew-link-watch%2F|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]